Your Secret Stash Of Licks You Don't Know You Already Know...


Blues Gig In A Box Volume 2 Is Now Available...

After 18 months the successor to my fastest selling course ever is ready for you! There are 5 killer new tunes... and I'll walk you through every single note so you will know why to play these songs (and dozens of others just like them) the way you do. Plus, during this special "launch week" you can get a great deal on a great new course - it's a perfect way to start the new year. Click here to get the full scoop...

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  • wayne

    Reply Reply December 25, 2015

    Thanks griff…some great knowledge there…merry xmas to you and your family

    • Bernard Murray

      Reply Reply December 26, 2015

      Nice videos. This gives me a good beginning to build from. I have been playing since I was seven (I had an old Harmony guitar). I have
      had a few lessons over the years. I now lean toward jazz/blues. Just starting to get into the lessons you sent me.

  • Raymond Couzens

    Reply Reply December 26, 2015

    Putting the course in top spot on my wish list

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